الرئيسية » أخبار » With Italian tactics and Egyptian feet.. The Juventus envoy continues to work inside Inter City

With Italian tactics and Egyptian feet.. The Juventus envoy continues to work inside Inter City


Follow-up to Maryam Rizk / Nourhan Abu Al-Maali

Captain “Luca”, the coach of the Italian club Juventus and the Egyptian club Intercity, continued to train and receive Egyptian and Italian experiences with the coaches of the Juventus Academy for the club Intercity, in order to exchange and enhance the training experiences of coaches to improve and develop the performance of the academy’s players and juniors.

The training included many exercises and various activities, in addition to Captain Luca Crona’s reference to many important rules that must be followed with the academy’s juniors and players of different ages, such as good training on the correct passing of the ball and its transfer from one player to another in a professional manner, as Luca warned “I stress the importance of the correct participation between the academy players, and other important exercises, in order to improve the performance of the youth and work well to train them in the best possible ways and methods.

The coach of the Italian club Juventus Academy confirmed that he is happy to work with the Intercity coaches team at the Football Academy, explaining that there is a good speed of reception for the coaches, in addition to his praise for the quality of the training and the organizational scheme that the academy is going on accurately, and that the coming period will have a marked improvement. Significantly, both from the Italian side and from the Egyptian side.


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