الرئيسية » إقتصاد » أسعار الذهب اليوم الأربعاء 4/9/2019

أسعار الذهب اليوم الأربعاء 4/9/2019


I wrote a guest nectar

The site “State now” gold prices on 
Wednesday 4/9/2019, which witnessed a state of fluctuation between the ups and downs in recent days, and recorded prices as follows:

The price of caliber “24” was about “806” Egyptian pounds per gram

Caliber “21” reached “706” pounds per gram

Caliber “18” at the price of “605” Egyptian pounds per gram

The price of the caliber “14” to “469” pounds per gram

The price of gold pound reached “5648” Egyptian pound

The price of gold ounce “1,529” dollars


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