الرئيسية » أخبار » السكة الحديد : تأخير أول قطار مُحسن علي خط بنها منوف بسبب فتح بلف الخطر.

السكة الحديد : تأخير أول قطار مُحسن علي خط بنها منوف بسبب فتح بلف الخطر.


I wrote Terezhashmat

In a statement issued today, the Railways Authority called on citizens not to tamper with the danger of trains because of the safety factor that increases and increases the safety of the trains, pointing out that tampering with it leads to stopping the train and disrupting the interests of the public in addition to the material losses incurred by the Authority. Because of this work.

This comes in conjunction with the exposure of the Authority on Tuesday, August 3, 2019, and shortly before the train 603 Banha Menouf shortly one of the passengers fiddling open the risk of one of the train carriages, which led to the delay of the train for 55 minutes after the replacement of nudity with another sound.

It is worth mentioning that the National Authority for Railways of Egypt announced today, August 3, 2019, the launch of the first improved trains on the Banha Menouf line, the product of the vehicles developed by Simaf, in line with the directives of the team engineer Kamel Minister and Minister of Transport to improve the service provided to the public on-line passengers in the preparations for the reception of the new school year.

The Authority stresses that it will not hesitate to take all legal procedures against those who tamper with the components of the trains, which ensure that such acts are not repeated again to ensure a safe route for trains and a higher quality of service.


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